Sunday Performance at Acworth United Methodist Church

All students need to arrive at Acworth United Methodist Church by 6:30pm.  The actual benefit performance begins at 7pm and Mr. Crawford said that kids will be done no later than 8:30pm.   6th Grade Attire:  Polo, khakis, black dress shoes7th and 8th Grade Attire:  all dress shoes, black dress shirt, black tie (guys), black belt, black dress pants Address: 4340...

Concert Info

Final Concert Dates, Times, and Attire: Monday, May 10th @ 7pm in the Awtrey Theatre 6th Grade Orchestra:  arrive at 6:30pm on the stage in jeans and your orchestra polo 6th Grade Sinfonia:  arrive at 6:30pm on stage in jeans and  your orchestra polo but also bring your sinfonia t-shirt so you can change later 7th Grade Orchestra:  arrive at 6:30pm in the ORCHESTRA...

Full Symphony


Full Symphony Rehearsal Schedule

All Full Symphony members have rehearsal Wednesday morning at 8am in the orchestra room.  You will also have rehearsal next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning. Lastly the Pre-Disney Concert is Tuesday, April 27th at 7pm in the theatre.  All members are required to attend and must wear Concert Black (black dress pants, black dress shirt, black dress shoes, black tie).  Students...

Rehearsals during CRCT

We do have all regularly scheduled rehearsals this week.  6th grade ensemble will meet Wednesday morning and Full Symphony (Orchestra only) will meet Wednesday afterschool.  Both ensembles are preparing for performances and adjudications so if you cannot be there, you MUST let MC know in writing (email works as well) at least one day pri...

6th Grade Jamboree is Monday

All student need to wear jeans (no holes), black orchestra polo, and dark shoes.  Students need to also bring their sunglasses and wire stands for the performance.  Students will stay afterschool to eat and make last minute preparations for Jamboree.  We will leave Awtrey at approximately 5:15pm and arrive at Daniell Middle School no later than 6pm. The actual performance...

7th Grade Festival Info.

7th Grade Festival is this Thursday, March 18th at Lovinggood Midlde School. All students need to bring their concert attire (black pants, white dress shirt, black tie, black socks, black belt, and black dress shoes) to school Thursday because all students are required to stay afterschool in prepartion for the festival. Students will eat in the cafeteria afterschool if they paid their...

Full Symphony Superior Performance Video

Click on the link above to watch the video...


Congratulations to both the 8th Grade Orchestra and Full Symphony on an amazing performance tonight.  I am so proud of the exceptional and SUPERIOR music you created tonight.  You received many compliments from parents, teachers, and judges. Both Ensembles received Superior Ratings! Also a special thanks to Ms. Johnson and the parents who assisted tonight.  I don't know...

8th Grade and Full Symphony Festival

8th Grade and Full Symphony Festival is this Thursday, March 11th at Lovinggood Midlde School.  All students need to bring their concert attire (black pants, white dress shirt (8th grade), black dress shirt (full symphony) black tie, black socks, black belt, and black dress shoes) to school Thursday because all students are required to stay afterschool in prepartion for the festival. Students...

Full Symphony

There is no Full Symphony this morning due to the 2 hour delay.  We will have Full Symphony next Monday and Wednesday morning to compensate for the loss of today's rehearsal.  String students should expect to also have an extra rehearsal Tuesday afterschool to learn the new piece for Festival next Thursd...

6th Grade Ensemble

6th grade ensemble will meet next Thursday morning (March 11th) at 8am due to scheduling conflicts.  If any student cannot be present please send me an email letting me know as soon as possible.   We will be recording your pieces to take inventory on where we are in preparation for our Six Flags Festiv...

Full Symphony Rehearsal

Full Symphony will practice Monday morning and Wednesday afterschool from 4:30 to 6pm in preparation for their Pre-Festival Concert Thursday at 7pm in the Awtrey Theat...