7th Grade Concert at NCHS

Posted on 8:03 AM by Awtrey Orchestra

ALL 4th Period 7th grade Orchestra students will perform at NCHS in the cafeteria from 5 to 5:30 for their annual Dinner Theatre.  Parents, family, and friends are invited to come watch the students AND YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PAY TO WATCH YOUR CHILD PLAY.   However, if you would like to eat, dinner is $15 per person at the door.

Students need to wear black dress pants and their black orchestra t-shirt from last year.  If you are missing your t-shirt please let MC ASAP!

If you are not picking your child up from NCHS we will leave to travel back to Awtrey no later than 5:30 so you can expect us back at Awtrey no later than 5:45.  I have another concert Tuesday night so if you arrive to NCHS after 5:30, please come to Awtrey to pick up your child because I cannot leave them unattended at North Cobb.

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