Practice Log Reminder

Posted on 3:33 PM by Awtrey Orchestra

Just a Reminder to all 7th and 8th grade students that your practice log (located on your warm-up) will now be checked weekly on Mondays. Make sure that you are practicing at least 120 minutes per week and using the techniques that are listed on the board in class.

You do not have to list the techniques that you are using yet but if it seems like your practice sessions are not beneficial then you will have to tell me which techniques you are using.

Technique 1- Add-a-note/measure/phrase
Technique 2- Slow it down and gradually get faster
Technique 3- Pluck and air bow
Technique 4- Listen to a recording and compare your performance with it. What can you do to get better?
Technique 5- Practice with someone else
Technique 6- clap and/or sing the rhythms and notes

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